Mid to Late July
U-Dig Potatoes
Dig for Yukon Gold! (And Red Potatoes)! This family favorite farm event is fun to watch and participate in as kids uncover potatoes, much like an agricultural Easter egg hunt! Potatoes are only available for a day or two in July each year.
Be sure to join the text list to be notified when the Potato U-Dig pails are on sale. Please share your mobile number below, and we’ll send you a message when U-Pick tickets are available for purchase.

How it Works
- When Farmer Jeff says the potatoes are perfect, we’ll send out a text with a link to the event.
- Instead of field passes to dig for potatoes, we sell potato pails.
- You’ll order as many pails as you believe your family wants to fill at our U-dig event.
- The day and time of the dig will be included in the information when it is released.
- Additional potato pails will be available onsite if the crop allows.