U-Pick Blueberries

U-Pick Blueberries2025-03-11T13:58:28+00:00
Mid June – Early July

U-Pick Blueberries

Blueberry season is a guest favorite every Summer. Each year our young field produces just a bit more fruit as it matures a bit. Given the demand of blueberry picking, U-Pick tickets are released exclusively through our texting system.

  • To get notified when extra berries are ripe for U-Pick, please share your mobile number below, and we’ll send you a message when U-Pick tickets are available for purchase.

Plan Your Visit

  • Please read this whole page so you’re ready for the next ticket release.
  • $2.95 for a field pass
  • Blueberries are $4.99/lb
U-Pick Blueberry ticket

A $2.95 field pass exclusively for blueberry picking and does not include farm activities.

  • U-picks are pre-scheduled events. Because we are crop and weather dependent, we do not allow walk up picking.
  • We would love to forecast our berry picking availability more than a day or so out; it would make our jobs a lot easier. Unfortunately, it just isn’t possible, so be sure to sign up on our text list and we’ll notify you when tickets are available.
  • The fields will close in the event of inclement weather or when we get picked out.
  • The Market Barn and Garden Center will remain open during regular business hours as posted on top of the page even if we close the blueberry fields.
  • U-Pick Blueberry tickets are exclusively available through our Blueberry text list. We cannot sell walkup U-Pick Tickets.

U-Pick Prices

  • Berries will be paid for in the field. Please bring payment with you when picking.
  • A Field Pass is required: $2.95 per person age 2 and up.
  • Berries are $4.99 lb.

What to Bring

  • Guests will walk to the field, total walking distance may exceed 1,000 ft of uneven farm field terrain.
  • Boots or older shoes are strongly encouraged.
  • Picking Pails will be provided.

  • Strollers will be challenging to navigate in the blueberry field.

Be sure to check this page IMMEDIATELY before each visit as picking availability and conditions change quickly.
If we need to adjust a picking time or cancel a pick, it will be announced here.


Are your Berries Organic?2024-06-03T12:24:03+00:00

Our Berries are not 100% organically produced. However, we use many natural practices on our farm, and we grow our berries with your family and our children in mind knowing that safety is our highest priority.

How does the crop look this year?2024-06-03T12:23:58+00:00

Our crop looks good but picking conditions change daily with the weather and picking pressure. Please always check this page for up-to-date picking conditions.

Why the ticket system?2024-06-03T12:23:53+00:00


Will you pick this Saturday/Sunday?2024-06-03T12:23:49+00:00

Picking dates are determined by the crop, weather, and several other factors. We usually know picking dates and times only a day or so before we pick as strawberries are fragile and ripening can be difficult to predict in advance.

Are dogs allowed in the field?2024-06-03T12:23:44+00:00

We love dogs, but we cannot allow them in our U-pick field for food safety reasons. Please leave your pets at home for this farm visit.

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